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Segway Langeland

Tag på Segway Sightseeing og oplev Langeland på en sjov og anderledes måde. Turen går ad de langelandske markveje, grusveje og asfaltveje.  Din guide fortælle historier og anekdoter fra området via den indbyggede højtaler i din hjelm. 

Take a Segway Sightseeing tour

All classes start with individual instruction to ensure you feel safe and have a great experience.
From here, the tour takes you along the country lanes, gravel roads and tarmac roads of Langeland. The tour is approximately 7 kilometres.
You must be 12 years old to participate in Segway Sightseeing.

Everyone is instructed individually in the use of the Segway before you are set free in the area where you are allowed to challenge yourself and your family or friends. The instructor is present during the entire ride.

Everyone is well entertained and has a fun experience - regardless of age.